Dr. C. Scott Ananian (cananian) wrote,
Dr. C. Scott Ananian

XO Turtle Bot drives around

Here's a first look at an XOrduino Turtle bot driving around:

I've checked out all of the functionality on the A1.5 board except the step-up voltage regulator now. I'm optimistic the B1 boards (being made now in Taipei) will be clean.

It will be great when we've got lesson plans written up so kids can learn how to control the bot with Turtle Blocks, and play with the different possible behaviors. Instead of just bumping around ("like a Roomba, except it doesn't vaccuum" a friendly 6-year-old beta-tester told me), you can trace patterns you design, or use the Scratch Sensor Board sensors to make the robot "afraid of sound", "attracted to light", or add your own sensors and behaviors.

Tags: olpc, xorduino

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